Wednesday, March 21, 2007


What is KOC's role in AFIRE?

What is KOC's role in AFIRE? - Reported by AFIRE's Know Our Community committee

At this point, AFIRE is still "surveying the landscape," in terms ofwhere to establish ourselves as a Filipino immigrant resource center.

Part of KOC's primary purpose is to help clear that space andsubsequently claim it for AFIRE. As a committee we see ourselves fulfilling this task by first gathering the stories of our immigrants, giving us (Chicago Filipino immigrants) our much-needed voice by documenting, writing, publishing and performing these stories.

We envision AFIRE truly connecting with the ChicagoFilipino community by engaging these voices through venues that arelater discussed in this report.Whatever picture emerges from such gathering of stories, KOC will use as basis for recommendation as to AFIRE's service role(s) – be theybe political, social, cultural or more.

So now, on to the hands-on part:PROJECTS IN LINE and TIMELINE:"Every new arrival is a new chapter of our history. Every newbornFilAm is a testimony to the deepening of our roots." This is KOC's `slogan' if you may.

When necessary to shorten it we just say, "KOC: Deepening Our Roots."
1. June, 2007 – Celebration of FilAm immigrant stories. This is a "writing within our community" project. We intend to hold `family days' within the community to solicit the stories that will be performed/published/archived in a culminating activity, the targetdate of which is sometime in June. The idea is to engage the community to celebrate the Philippine Independence Spirit (not necessarily DAY) by celebrating our stories as families of immigrants. Stories gathered from such family days and from the website will be published in a journal specific to this purpose. The publication is intended to be ongoing as long as there are participants and funding.

2. Dec., 2007 -- Panunuluyan. This is to engage our church-going families and community-members in a `performance' conversation. These performances are in the form of panunuluyan in each church, wherein the stories told center around the issues (e.g. homelessness) of our immigrant community. The Operation Mango Report (OMR) will be used as basis of such issues. For further information on such issues, OMR is posted as an ACROBAT file under "file" in this listserve.The involvement of certain churches is crucial to this project. Wewill need contact and collaboration with our kababayans from such churches.

3. January, 2008 – AFIRE Day. In a log cabin or a big, cozy house courtesy of one of our kababayan, AFIRE will hold a celebration of our year-long accomplishments by holding family workshops which will culminate in skits, stand-up comedies, spoken-words performances – and yes, singing – a family's or individual's story sung to a videoke tune! It will truly be a celebration of ourselves as part of the changing landscape. To accommodate those who have stage frights, you can have a `representative' do it for you. That's what families are for!

4. Launch of a website – ( the stories gathered in the `writing with the community' project will posted in the website.

5. Chicago Matters: Beyond Borders involvement – KOC is the liaison/contact for AFIRE in this project.

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